Installation program: powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -File. (I’m assuming everyone knows how to create either a package or an application) 🙂 Put the script to use in SCCM in either a package or an application. \ Install-RSATv1809.ps1 -Uninstall ( -Uninstall removes all RSAT features again)ĭownload the complete script on the TechNet Gallery using below link.

\ Install-RSATv1809.ps1 -ServerManager ( -ServerManager is only installing the Server Manager) \ Install-RSATv1809.ps1 -Basic ( -Basic is only installing AD DS, DHCP, DNS, Group Policy Management and Server Manager) \ Install-RSATv1809.ps1 -All ( -All is installing ALL the features within the RSAT bundle) The script is built around Get-WindowsCapability, Add-WindowsCapability and Remove-WindowsCapability. The script requires administrative rights as well as access to the Internet (RSAT is installed through Microsoft Update). Therefore I created a complete Powershell script which can be used in SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) in an unattended and automated deployment. You can obviously install the tools manually in Windows (this is done from the settings menu and from there select to Manage Optional Features), but as always, we don’t like to do stuff manually.

Attention: This script has been updated and superseded: Ĭontinuing on the Windjourney from wednesday! As something completely new, RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) is now included as a set of “Features on Demand” in Windows 10 itself and is no longer something you download and install separately.